Monday 14 May 2012


Assalamaualaikum.... moga kita semua dimurahkan rezeki, panjang umur dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik hendaknya....Mama nak mencerikan apa yang berlaku sepanjang hujung minggu baru-baru ini... seperti enteri terdahulu mengenai Hospital Serdang.... cousin mama arra telah menjalani penyiasatan dan pemeriksaan lanjut dan dimaklumkan belaiu menghidapi cancer pancreas... aduhai mengigil lutut mama, hati berdebar bukan kepalang bila wife cousin mama ni bagi tau diagnosis tersebut... Melalui pengetahuan mama cancer pancreas ni late diagnosis because initially the symptoms are vague... mimics gastritis. Apatah lagi dia ni baru je berumur 32 tahun, mana doktor ke GPs ke tak akan buat diagnosis cancer kan kalau tak da lain-lain simptom atau signs... tulah suddenly his condition deteriorated.... he became weak, severe pain in the abdomen, no appetite and severe loss of weight. His abdomen became distended... mama examine him and he should be admitted urgently for investigation. That why mama brought him to A&E Serdang hospital... After 11 days in Serdang he was refered to Selayang Hospital under the care of Hepato-panceratic-Biliarry Team. on Friday evening.
His condition worsening... abdominal drainage drained blood... Subhanallah... begitu banyak darah yang keluar... He  was pale++.... blood tranfusion given, Repeated CT Abdomen done and Sunday morning his condition even worst... mama received call from my aunt in early morning....  mama dan hubby rush to Selayang Hospital...and he was bleeding  badly from the abdomen...almost 10 L fresh blood was drained from the abdomen. 3rd CT was done @2.00pm on Sunday, HPB team is trying to do angiogram to emboli the bleeding vessel after CT but they didnot find the source of bleeder...
After given blood and blood products he looks more stable haemodinamically. He was transfered to HDU for further monitoring and family understand that his condition is critical and hospital is trying hard to do the best for him palliatively....mama will up date his progress later..